
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Live Before You Die

"When you're young you always think the sun is gonna shine. One day you're gonna have to say hello to goodbye.  Shout it out; let someone, somewhere know that you're alive. Take these words, wear them well- live before you die." -Bon Jovi

No, this isn't another mushy gushy post about love and all its wonders (sorry Babe). This is the real thing. Life is short, and it ends pretty damn quick for some people. We have to make the best of it. Make the best of the people you have around you, and the chances we are granted in our years here.

My eyes opened up today for reasons that shall remain silent. I noticed that I'm so lucky to have a handful of people in my life. People that others would only dream about meeting. I'd say my life sums up to being pretty good, in its 15 years of existence. I mean I have a good bunch of friends who I'd like to think would do pretty much anything to see me smile. My family is to die for. I spend a good portion of the day laughing and coming close to tears because of them and their, well their uniqueness. And then there's my boyfriend who I'd be lost without. Sure, plenty of girls have boyfriends, but I don't know he's a lot more than that, very different.

So now that I'm done blabbing about the positives of my life, let me just tell you this. A shitload of bad things happen to us in this world, but if we're still here- living, breathing, laughing and loving- then there has to be a reason for that.

I want you to look around you at this moment. Maybe grab a pencil and sheet of paper. Maybe do it on this blog as a comment. Tell me three things that you love about your life. Three things that make you happy. Not just smiling and laughing, but really, TRULY, happy. And don't come to me with said bull about what happiness is. You know exactly how it feels. That little tingly feeling inside when everything is just right and that snicker on your face cause you feel lucky and even selfish because maybe you feel that in a few seconds this feel of perfection will be gone. What things do that to you?

Photocredit: PaperTissue 

1 comment:

  1. where's the JAMAAAA???? nice article. <3 and in my opinion, it'd probably be ... hmm, friends, family, and being able to live well.
